Four years in college was a bit challenging and exiting. All the stress and headaches brought about by school requirements paid off the day I walked on the stage and received my diploma. It is customary for a Filipino family that any graduating students has a party or gift from their parents. You need not to guest what I had after graduation. Yes your right! Ilocos Trip was my gift to my self not a treat from my parents. Here are the pictures from Vigan leg of my Ilocandia Adventure.

Villa Angela

Villa Angela is an old house converted into a hotel. The property is owned by famcily of engineers base in Ilocos. Many celebrities and government officials visited the old house. Pictures of the celebrities and prominent people are hanged on the antique walls of the house.

Calle Crisologo Day and Night

Capitol, City Hall, Church and Empanada
Ilocos Sur Capitol

Vigan City Hall

St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral

Bantay Church and Bell Tower

Ilocos Pottery and Empanada