The road from Dagupan to Lingayen was like a former anguish in the mids of my retrospect – long, hot, butt numbing but it was a delight to my childish eye. It was like a comedy show where I am the only audience – I am laughing while holding the hands of the future I am foreseeing.

Meet Biboy. Lana’s friend son. I am deeply attched with Biboy bacause I see my self in him a lot when I was his age.
My eyes were glued in the vast fish pond of Pangasinan. They say that the seafood’s in Dagupan and Lingayen is the best – particularly the milk fish – in the Philippines. Thanks to the sea meets the river the saltiness of the sea and the waters of the river makes this seafood world class.

The road from Manoag to Dagupan. After all the fireworks, I joined Lana’s family in Manoag Shrine to say a little prayer. Though I am not a catholic, I still join the Eucharist because we at the end of the day we all worship one God. What 2016 like? I was thinking of my 2016. What had happen. What did I do and what I did not do. There where heartaches and anger, mostly anger and bitterness. But the road to Lingayen erased it all. The love abound is far greater than any misunderstanding and clashing of opinions. I’ve lost some friends but got a burning passion with people with the same level of understanding of what is right and what is proper. Only God know if I will ever cross the path of the lost friends.If it did I will embrace the friendship that we once had. I am 28 years old. In three months, I will hit my 29th year in this space. If you asked me a year ago, I wouldn’t be proud of what I am. 2015 was the year of total devastation. God made me stand where I stumble – I actually don’t know if I really stumbled. 2016 was the year I made myself a better person in both material things and as a person with the grace of God. New Years Eve So much for that. I invited myself to join my girlfriend’s family new years eve in Lingayen. Thank God I was gladly accepted even though… never mind. The night was full of colors with melodies ringing on my head. I was called Videoke king by Lana’s siblings simply because the mic stayed with me for three or more consecutive songs. I must admit, I like to sing but I do not have that voice that you want to hear singing. But let me tell you I know when I become sharp or flat or even out of tune. If I did sing that way, I’ll drop the mic baby. Then we all went out to shout with out trumpets to blow the bad spirits.

My visit in Lingayen will never be complete without a walk along Maramba Boulevard It took Lingayen to make me blow a trumpets believing that it will blow away the bad spirits of 2016. For me it was symbolically blowing away the bad vibes of year 2016. My faith and spirit was enough to blow it away, I blew with rhythm and enthusiasm like a child. I blew it thinking of all the pain and anger. I blew it like throwing away my unforgiving spirit. I blew it like throwing away my ungenerous spirit to understand folk’s attitude. 12 midnight the heaven rejoiced with colors and loud roar. “Welcome 2017!!!” My heart pumped more blood and my adrenaline increased. “Goodbye and thank you 2016… Hello 2017!!!” Oh 2016… a sweet goodbye and a grateful heart. Another year, another age yet another milestone in my life. One of the most fruitful year that I had, one of the best. 2016 made me cry (you’ll know why if you know me haha) There were challenges and heartaches, cutting ties and burning friendship and the greatest – reborn passion of love and adventure. Nevertheless my triumphs exceeds all the pain and and it makes the coming year more exciting. So for 2016 the sun is set with tears of gladness – Thank You. #DramaSaBagongTaon #HappyNewYear #Goodbye2016 #Hello2017 A photo posted by Jherson Jaya (@lonelytravelogue) on Dec 31, 2016 at 2:13am PST