Sun-kissed skin, salty breeze, young-vibe crowd, gastronomic pleasure and euphoric atmosphere among the folks enjoying each other’s company or just enjoying the sunset… and the waves – these are the things your soul will experience once you decided to commune in elyu.

The sun was setting in a perfect sky, big orange ball of fire, its another day has passed and all the folks were looking towards the west. The sun was really the biggest star we can witness. No one ever gets tired of looking at it. It was the La Union sunset.
Surfing Culture and Human Attraction
For most surfing is the reason to be in Elyu. That’s true. You can’t escape the inviting waves saying hello to you. …or at least try to play in the sand and water for a while. But places like The Food Project, Flotsam and Jetsam, Ol’ Pub and Great Northwest Philippines Travel Stop and Viewing Deck will make you wanna live or at least stay for one more day in Elyu. Aside from the waves, the euphoric young vibe crowd will make you go back in Elyu.
If we have natural attractions such as mountains, rivers and white beaches, the crowd in Elyu gives you “human attractions” created by mostly millennials, artist, surfers, professionals and vacationers. The human element in Elyu is like a magnet for you to utter the words “I will come back” soon.
@katetorralba singing in front of millennials of #elyu I didnt know her when I first saw her performing but her voice promised me a good night of chill music. I stick around and googled her. I found out that she’s a designer who shifted to pursue music. #LaUnion #thegreatnorthwestphilippinestravelstopandviewingdeck A post shared by Jherson Jaya (@lonelytravelogue) on Mar 6, 2018 at 10:36pm PST