Traveling from Naga to Legaspi is very easy and accessible because both transportation terminals are very organize and centralized. Meaning all transportation options are in one place. Buses, Vans, Jeepneys and tricycles in Legaspi City has a common station. The Legaspi Grand Central Terminal is at the back of Gaisano Mall. You can never be lost in Legaspi because all bus and jeeps are heading in the terminal station.

If you have a lot of time to spare you can take an Air-Con or ordinary bus going to Naga. Travel time could reach up to 4 hours. Yes 4 hours! I didn’t experience it first hand but most people are telling me the same stories. So I guess it’s quit credible. Buses make stops at every city and intersection. Adding to that is whenever there is a passenger on the road the bus driver won’t hesitate to stop even the bus is already full.
If you are in a hurry take a van instead. Vans are more expensive but is much faster. Legaspi-Naga cost Php180.00 one way and travel time is about 2 hours.
Naga also has an organize transportation system like in Legaspi. The only difference is the terminal in Legaspi is new and more conducive. Terminal in Naga can be found beside and in front of SM Naga.