It may be a symbol of good fortune for the Chinese but for people who are just a mere fun of great engineering Singapore Flyers is a symbol of wealth and success. It lies at the southeast of Marina Bay and will gave a great view of the Marina Bay Sands Casino Complex and the Singapore Skyline. It is so far the tallest standing Ferris Wheel at 165 meters 30 meters higher than the London Eye. This great infrastructure was opened on March 1, 2008 which is also considered as the lucky year for the Chinese. Remember the Beijing Olympics was opened on August 8, 2008? They are really serious about that number uh…

Before I talk about my story on this giant eye, let me first show you how the Singapore Flyers was built on numbers. Aside from the fact that Chinese are good in numbers, as most of my Chinese friends are good in math, they are actually obsessed on it. Yeah I mean that. It seems that the world is rotating on numbers. Hehe… oops, I don’t mean to offend (Peace) Here are the proof:
- The Singapore Flyers was opened on 2008.
- The tickets were sold for 8,888 Singaporean dollars during the opening. That’s a lot of money.
- It has 28 capsules – meaning, to double the prosperity. Nice idea isn’t?
- And each capsule can fit 28 people.
We may all not believe in this principle. All I am sure of is that the more than one billion Chinese all over the world will believe in this. Well look what brought their belief.

For approximately 30 minutes you will experience the 360 degrees view of Singapore’s Skyline and the view of the Marina Bay. You won’t going to have some jitters as you would experience in your rural old school carnival. The flow was very smooth. It was flawless. It was just like you are on the top floor of a skyscraper. You won’t feel the movement of the capsule.

After all it all boils down to hard work. I mean building this great city is not an over night process. I respect the Chinese belief in Fungshu. But at the end of the day its the two hands of people willing to build a great community will do it. God blesses us with our intellect and physical body to extract the resources of earth. Its up to us if we want to maximize what we have.

After sometime of posing and taking good shots we found time to rest our feet and focus our eyes on every details of each manmade spot we see. Prior to this ride we had a very long walk around Changi and Orchard. So the 30 minutes ride gave us time to relax and contemplate on how good is our God in giving us intelligence on building this towering structures.

Singapore Flyers is the perfect place for family, friends and even for boyfriends and girlfriend. I give you an idea; wouldn’t it be nice if a guy proposes once the capsule reaches the summit? Hihihi… Sweet? Off course I won’t do that anymore.

Singapore is a great city-state. Behind that great city is a community united to pursue excellence in the flat world. This city build of swamps and an unwanted nation sometimes is such a great dream now for many young people willing to take the stage of the world. I envy their people, their government and society. How they built this nation in such a short period of time (as compared to other) was such a tremendous sacrifice for the most part. I believe to achieve what Singapore is right now many people would have to sacrifice greatly for the country. And I know that the Fathers of Singapore surely did.