Hong Kong is expensive by our standard thus finding an affordable place to stay was a challenge. I do not want to settle in a mediocre hotel because I value a good sleep after a long day of traveling. I said affordable not cheap. I was looking for a place with comfy bed and pillow, clean bathroom, tolerable location and most importantly not suffering from a foul smell.

All of my criteria above was met when I entered Hop Inn in Mody Road at the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui. I must admit, at first I thought I made a wrong choice of choosing Hop Inn because it is located in an old building with not so good elevator. But low and behold when the elevator opened at the 5th floor everything change and I said “Wow… this place is cool”

The reception area and the lobby are made of modern materials with an artistic touch in every corner. I like it how they style the hotel because its very attractive and pleasing to the eye. Its something that you want for your bachelors pad…. or maybe bachelorette place. Will talk more about the common area later. Let check out our room first.

Our room was the single room with a sexy bathroom. Whew! We’ve got a nice comfy bed and pillow with suitable smell and texture. I was sure that I will have a very good sleep here!

A television is not necessary when you go to Hong Kong because all you wanna do is to sleep or take a bath after your long day of walking and sight seeing in Hong Kong. But we got one in case insomnia hits and the night gets boring. One thing I notice with in our room it has hand paining on its walls that depicts the life of every people and the history of Hong Kong.

Our room is minimalist and an arts space. Everything was with functionality for every guest yet aestetics is never compromised. We got all the things that we need like a soft bath towel, liquid soap and shampoo in a sexy bathroom. Haha… talk about the “sexy bathroom”

Our bathroom has a glass wall and door which makes it sexy and ummm… sexy. Haha… This is a cool one for me. Its awkward at first but you’ll be used to it and I am sure you feel sexy taking a bath. Aside from the single room Hop Inn also has Double / Twin, Triple, Quadruple and Dormitory Room. I asked one of the staff if I could take pictures of the other room but unfortunately they are full and the only available for picture is the dormitory room.

The quality of beds and pillow in the dormitory room are the same with the single room. The only difference is you got other folks in the room from all over the world.

Each bed has its own lamp and electric outlet.

You also got a free water in the hallway which is a big help for a budget conscious traveler. Bringing your water jug or tumbler is a great way to cut your budget in Hong Kong and thank God Hop Inn provides a free water for its guest.

Going back to the common area.

Like what I have said, the common area is my room in my dreams. Every spot has a story and is a work of art. This common area – like in every hostel – is designed to make people from all over the world to have some small talk and got to share their travel experiences.

They have pieces that will remind you of your childhood and with that it becomes a happy place for us all! Hop Inn is a happy place to me… to us. It has all that we need for a comfy stay in Hong Kong. When I go back in Hong Kong I will definitely choose this hotel again.

East Tsim Sha Tsui Station as seen on Hop Inn window.

Kitchen. Just grab anything you want but be responsible Hop Inn on Mody Address: 5/F Lyton Building, 36 Mody Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Email: [email protected] Tel: +(852) 2881 7331 (Hong Kong); +(86) 187 177 331 36 (China) Website: www.hopinn.hk Location